Monday, October 28, 2013

Blue Collar: The Backstory By Rod Kackley

Blue Collar-The Backstory
By Rod Kackley

Chances are you will regret very few things that you have done when you are at the finish line of life.  The regrets that will gnaw at your soul are the things you have not done. A friend of mine, another Class of 1973 member, pointed that out in a Facebook post.

An insight for all the students graduating this year (2013), I LET life happen and followed it to where I am. Most times I am happy, but I can't help wonder where my life might have gone if I had MADE life happen! I could have been a geologist, or an archaeologist going on digs, or a Doctor, or the actress I thought I could be. MAKE life happen! Pay attention to it! Don't blindly follow the paths offered to you.

This is the backstory of my next novel, Blue Collar. It tells the stories of three members of the Class of 1973 who got out of school just in time to find the American Dream being pulled just out of their grasp.

By the time they realized there were only threads left of the magic carpet that had carried their parents into the Middle Class, nearly 40 years later, it was almost to late to save the Dream.

However, it wasn’t too late. 

A wise man said once, “Never fight an ugly man. He’s got nothing left to lose.

Blue Collar tells the stories of three ugly men and their fight to save the Dream. The first chapter is up on this website and on my app. More chapters are coming soon on my app and on my website,

You can download my free app through Google Play or iTunes.

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